Priscilla Be würde in eine Familie von Mennonites in Allegany County, Pennsylvania geboren – der gleiche Ort wie Gertrude Stein – und ist im Fresno, California aufgezogen. Nach ein paar Wechsellfalle und Sprunge die von Paraguay nach Denver und einem kurzen sojourn an der Humboldt Universität (1976-78) überrspanten, sie entging ein Vorstadtlobotomy im frühen 80s indem sie auf zu den perverssten Platz umgezogen ist von dem sie denken könnte - Los Angeles, CA. Dort lebte sie in schaäbige Walk-ups und wurde ein leitende Impilusgeber in der dann-sprießenden underground Punk- und Performance-kunstszene. Weil sie kein Lust hatte weiter zuzusehen wie alle Andere langsam der Drogensucht verfeilen, ging sie nach Berlin in 1983. Hier führ sie fort, als Teil des Kult-Duos The Hesitations mit Mary Mullen aufzutretten. Nach dem der Groupe auseinanderging im 1987, fing Priscilla an Solo aufzutretten in orten wie Metropol, Roter Salon, Fisch Labor, Plantation Club und Ex & Pop (wo sie führte den ersten mehrsprachigen Poetry Slams in Deutschland ein). Entfremdet durch den Kommerzialisierung und Konkurrenz des Slams, entschied sie auf ihre eigene schausüpeilereische konnen zu konzentrieren; seitdem ist sie an die Bühnen von zahlreichen Berliner englischen Theatergroupen mitgetretten und, bei Gelegenheit, kann sie gesehenwerden als ein konfusen Touristen auf Tatort oder einen mörderischen Sektenführerin auf Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten. Zurzeit ist sie ein Residentperformer und Regisseur bei der Englsih Theatre in in Kreuzberg, und ist aktive als Stückeschreiber, voiceover Künstler und Filmschauspielerin.
Press Release:
Priscilla Be ist zwar hauptsächlich bekannt für ihre Arbeit im Theater und Film, ist aber auch ein Collagekünstler. Sie fing an, mit den Mitteln zu arbeiten im 1996 als sie in Neukölln wohnte, weil sie fand, daß es einen erheblichen Mangel an Schönheit in ihrem sofortigen umgebung gab. In Innerwelten hingetrieben, fing sie ihre Visionen gestalt zu geben in dem sie gefundene Bilder auf täglichen Gegenständen wie Stühlen und Tische klebten.Sie schneidet, schnippelt, reist, pastet, presst, verzerrt and sampelt Bilder wie einen optische deejay.
Die collaged Gegenstände und Möbel, die bei Martini Fine Arts präsentiert wird zeigen ein hochpoetisch und ästhetische Auge und ein Visuellesprache der erinnert von Künstler wie Hanna Hoch, Grandma Moses und Leonora Carrington – alle kunstelen von dem Priscilla seiht als inspirational zu ihrer Arbeit.
Die austelling von Priscilla Be, „Gluing My Religion“, geht von 27. September bis 23. November 2007. Der Eröffnung ist am Donnerstag, September 21, 2007, um 20 Uhr. Ab 21 Uhr gibt es ein Performance, kuritiert durch Sarah Lewis, mit Moss Fitzpatrick, Eric Green und Mollie Hosmer-Dillard (Hungry Blue Birs Collective) und Oscar MacFall.
English Text:
Martini Fine Arts cordially invites you and your friends the opening of Priscilla Be's exhibition Gluing My Religion on Friday, 21 September, 2007, starting at 8PM.
Priscilla Be was born into a family of Mennonites in Allegany County, Pennsylvania – the same place as Gertrude Stein – and raised in Fresno California. After a few skips and jumps spanning from Paraguay to Denver and a brief sojourn at Humboldt University (1976-78), in the early 80s she escaped suburban lobotomy by moving to the most perverse place she could think of – Los Angeles, CA. There she lived in sleazy walk-ups and became a lead instigator in the then-burgeoning underground punk and performance art scene.
Tired of watching everyone else get strung out on drugs she escaped to Berlin in 1983. Here she continued touring as part of the cult-duo The Hesitations with Mary Mullen. Following the break-up of the band in 1987, Priscilla Be started doing solo shows and poetic performances in clubs such as Metropol, Roter Salon, Fish Labor, Plantation Club and Ex & Pop (where she introduced the first multi-lingual poetry slams to Germany). Alienated by the commercialism and competitiveness of the slams, she decided to concentrate on her acting skills; since then she has performed on the stages of numerous Berlin-based English theatre companies and, on occasion, has been found playing a confused tourist on Tatort or a murderous sect leader on Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten. Currently, she is a resident performer and director at the English Theatre in Kreuzberg, playwright, voiceover artist, and film actress.
Though primarily known for her work in theater and film, Priscilla Be is also an active producer of collage. She started working with the media while living in Neukölln in 1996, when she felt there was a substantial lack of beauty in her immediate surroundings. Slowly drifting off into inner-worlds, she began expressing her inner visions by gluing found images together, preferably on mundane objects of use such as chairs, tables or frames. The tactile stimulus offered by collage is an inspiring and artistically liberating experience for Priscilla, enabling her to give expression to the currents of her subconscious. With scissors and glue she cuts, snips, rips, pastes, presses, distorts and samples found images much like a visual deejay. And, much like a music DJ, she also works on commission, taking inspiration from the person for whom the piece is for to create a unique and colorful reflection of the energy they exude.
The collaged objects and furniture being presented at Martini Fine Arts reveal a poetically aesthetic eye and visual language that brings to mind artists as diverse as Hanna Hoch, Grandma Moses and Leonora Carrington – all of whom Priscilla Be views as inspirational to her work.
Priscilla Be's exhibition Gluing My Religion runs from 21 September to 23 November, 2007. At the exhibition opening on Friday, 21 September, 2007, there shall be a performance featuring Moss Fitzpatrick, Eric Green and Mollie Hosmer-Dillard (Hungry Blue Bird Collective) and Oscar MacFall at approximately 9PM.
Priscilla Be was born into a family of Mennonites in Allegany County, Pennsylvania – the same place as Gertrude Stein – and raised in Fresno California. After a few skips and jumps spanning from Paraguay to Denver and a brief sojourn at Humboldt University (1976-78), in the early 80s she escaped suburban lobotomy by moving to the most perverse place she could think of – Los Angeles, CA. There she lived in sleazy walk-ups and became a lead instigator in the then-burgeoning underground punk and performance art scene.
Though primarily known for her work in theater and film, Priscilla Be is also an active producer of collage. She started working with the media while living in Neukölln in 1996, when she felt there was a substantial lack of beauty in her immediate surroundings. Slowly drifting off into inner-worlds, she began expressing her inner visions by gluing found images together, preferably on mundane objects of use such as chairs, tables or frames. The tactile stimulus offered by collage is an inspiring and artistically liberating experience for Priscilla, enabling her to give expression to the currents of her subconscious. With scissors and glue she cuts, snips, rips, pastes, presses, distorts and samples found images much like a visual deejay. And, much like a music DJ, she also works on commission, taking inspiration from the person for whom the piece is for to create a unique and colorful reflection of the energy they exude.
The collaged objects and furniture being presented at Martini Fine Arts reveal a poetically aesthetic eye and visual language that brings to mind artists as diverse as Hanna Hoch, Grandma Moses and Leonora Carrington – all of whom Priscilla Be views as inspirational to her work.
Priscilla Be's exhibition Gluing My Religion runs from 21 September to 23 November, 2007. At the exhibition opening on Friday, 21 September, 2007, there shall be a performance featuring Moss Fitzpatrick, Eric Green and Mollie Hosmer-Dillard (Hungry Blue Bird Collective) and Oscar MacFall at approximately 9PM.
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