Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

Kurt Schwarzmeier

From 5 November to 1 December 2009, Martinski Fine Arts has two sculptures by the German artist Kurt Schwarzmeier on view. The two almost life-size sculptures reveal the artist's incisive if humorous eye for detail and his fine talent for craftsmanship.
With the darkness of the season in mind, the pieces are best viewed from 4PM to 1AM from the street, when the gallery lighting presents them to their best advantage.

Kurt Schwarzmeier / CV
Jahrgang 65, aufgewachsen bei Regensburg, Bayern
Born 1965, raised close to Regensburg, Bavaria

Ab 1980 Comix, Illustrationen, erste gestalterische Arbeit
Began doing cartoons, illustration and initial creative works in 1980

Seit 1983 Ausstellungen, diverse Bilderzyklen
Numerous exhibitions and diverse picture since 1983

Ab 1987 Weltenbummler mit Tägkeiten als Gestalter, Karikaturist, Fassaden- und Plastermaler; spontane Ausstellungen
As of 1987, a globetrotter active as sculptor, caricaturist, muralist and sidewalk artist; spontaneous exhibitions

Ab 1994 in Berlin, tätig als Illustrator, Grafiker und freischaffender Künstler; diverse Ausstellungen.
Lives in Berlin since 1994, active as an illustrator, graphic artist and fine artist; Diverse exhibitions

Seit 2005 Inhaber der Galerie "TAKE A DIVE"
Since 2005, proprietor of the gallery Take A Dive

Mehr von Kurt Schwarzmeier in der Galerie TAKE A DIVE
More about and by Kurt Schwarzmeir at the gallery TAKE A DIVE

The Sculptures

Tropenkrankenschwester / Tropical Nurse
Schaumstoff / Foam, 2008

4000.- €

Politesse / Policewoman
Styropor / Styrofoam, 2009

5000.- €